A year since the amazing opening on Feb 5, 2017, SYL's lease was not renewed. Unapologetically, our city of Seattle is ch ch ch changing ~ dramatically & quickly. As rents sky-rocket, the means to maintain independence and freedom are limited. Hence, I am cast off into the winds to find new grounds to seed and sow. I believe in the ever evolving harvest of personal empowerment and embodiment. With this BIG CHANGE comes sadness at the old passing away, but great anticipation and excitment by the amazing invitations that have called ON THE ROAD! I now have the opportunity to expand these offerings beyond walls. This brings joy and gratitude to my heart. So where is SYL going? On the Road, Jack Kerouach style. There are journeys unfolding and the call of the wild within. Despite the unexpected "kick upward," the work of SYL carries on. I'll be hosted at studios and healing centers across the country and in Europe, taking students to Hot Springs Ranch and India, holding special Yoga for Healers and Empowerment programs. Opportunities abound and I am taking them. It's time to scatter the seeds to the wind. I hope you will find me this year for more sacred journeys that will take you to a new level of living from your spirit.

LAST CALL at SYL Don't miss the last workshop in the current Queen Anne location, New Years Vision Quest Yoga Ceremony, this Sunday January 21st 9:30-12:00. Classes complete on January 31st. As I embrace yet another unexpected change, I am inspired to sing one of my favorite life anthems by David Bowie as my life as teacher, guide, healer takes a new turn~ CHANGES Take a dive back into Bowie's master piece I still don't know what I was waiting for And my time was running wild A million dead-end streets Everytiime I thought I'd got it made It seemed the taste was not so sweet So I turned myself to face me But I've never caught a glimpse Of how the others must see the faker I'm much too fast to take that test. Changes Turn and face the strange Changes Don't want to be a richer man Changes Just gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I can't trace time I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream Of warm impermanence and So the days float through my eyes But still the days seem the same And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds, Are immune to your consultations they're quite aware of what they're going through Strange fascination, fascinating me Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
Strange fascination, fascinating me Changes are taking the pace I'm going through Changes Pretty soon now your're gonna get older Time may change me But I can't trace time I said that time may change me But I can't trace time ~David Bowie