Energetic Healing

What is it?
The world is one vast energy field. Humans, along with the plants, the animals, the sky, the earth, the stars and the universe, are all made up of this collective energy. We are interconnected and co-create our world. Illness, stress, anxiety, fear, anger show us when we are out of balance. Energetic healing clears these obstacles and provides support for greater health and vitality can flow. The goal of energetic healing is to bring balance, renewed purpose, health, and well-being.
How does it work?
There are many paths. Whether Qi Gong, Reiki, Shamanic or Indigenous healing, Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Plant Medicine, all are modalities that transform energy. Yoga and Meditation is another way in. Specifically, physical asanas open the channels in the body. Breathwork connects the body with the mind. This union of mind, body, and breath creates healing.
What is my role?
Breath and Yoga is medicine. Our current world is complex and filled with environmental stressors. This disconnects people from their spirit causing sickness and suffering. As an energetic healer, I assist the client in connecting to feeling and purpose, clearing away past narratives of pain, negativity and illness, to create new beginnings. My role is to help heal the Hoop of the People. My tool is Yoga.
What is my philosophy?
I believe in self-empowerment, the freedom to choose, the importance of collective power, and our right to thrive. I have trained for over 30 years in various modalities in the healing arts and understand that healing is an individual journey. I provide individualized assistance, safe space, insight and practical tools to create vitality and health. I do not work miracles. I lend insight and support for those wanting to live their life more fully and consciously. I offer personal empowerment sessions, and design lifestyle plans for recovery. I assist my clients in changing unwanted patterns of behavior, creating sacred space, and developing a home yoga & meditation practice.
What is my background?
Humbly, I stand in a lineage of master teachers and healers. My initial training came from Forrest Yoga, a style of yoga developed by Ana T. Forrest, that focuses on healing trauma, injury and illness from the mind, body, spirit. I have been granted the honor of Medicine Woman in the Native American healing tradition; taken the Bodhisattva Vows and received the Medicine Buddha initiations from the Dalai Lama. I am a Reiki Master and Intuitive Healer. Currently, I am training as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Antioch University, Seattle, WA.